Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická a Střední zdravotnická škola

Secondary Medical School is situated in the centre of the city of Hradec Králové in Eastern Bohemia with a population of approximately 100,000.
There are approximately 900 students - mostly girls. The school prepares students for careers in social services, health establishments, and nursing care in various departments of hospitals, general practitioner surgeries, or consulting rooms of specialists, home care, and charity nursing.

Our school wishes to help our students become independent people in their personal and professional lives. We also would like to show our students that our world is diverse and that to be a successful member of society it is necessary to be able to accept this fact and to be willing to learn from other people.
Projects on traditions and cultures of different countries is a nice topic for sharing experince, practicing foreign languages and making friends. In this day of globalisation every generation should maintain its cultural values and traditions which are about to disappear. Through the short videos students can present everyday life in our school, our town, region, they can show customs, traditions and feasts, culture, hobbies or meals. Within our project they can compare the different cultures, see differencies and similarities. Students  can improve their communication skills in English. They are motivated a lot because they want to travel abroad. For many of them it is the first opportunity. And I must say hardly any of our students have visited such countries as Latvia, Romania or Turkey.
Participation in an international project will support active citizenship and taking responsibility of the youth the dialogue between various nations and getting to know each other better can help overcome false prejudice and eliminate misunderstandings between different cultures.
New experience and knowledge can motivate students to learn foreign languages and help the students in their future profession.

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