Közgazdasági Politechnikum Gimnázium és Szakközépiskola

Our school is located in one of the poorer areas of Budapest. However, we have students from all socio-economic backgrounds and we have many students with special needs as well as students from minority groups. There are special needs students in every class. There are several students from migrant families recently relocated in Budapest seeking employment or better living standards, access to basic services and a small number of students from foreign backgrounds. We believe this wide diversity offers each student the opportunity to encounter all walks of life and that they will profit from this. They will learn to be tolerant of and to work with others, they experience and learn to accept various cultural differences as well.
We teach grades 7 to 13, as well as, 1 and 2 year post secondary vocational courses in a wide range of subjects. Grade 9 has students focusing on English in addition to courses on civics and democracy.
Many of your students go on to university, both in Hungary and abroad.
Our student body and staff are open minded and interested in meeting and working with others from both Hungary and abroad. This attitude will make cooperation in this current project go easily and well. Presenting aspects of our culture and leaning about the differences and similarits of the culture of students from other countries will help us achieve our goal of helping our students become tolerant, open minded European Union citizens.
We have a very strong student film program (including a small editing studio, professional camera and microphone) and an arts festival every spring ( which will be very useful in the project.

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