The International School of Bucharest - part of Lumina Educational Institutions
The International School of Bucharest - part of SC Lumina Institutii de Invatamant SA

We are an international school located in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. International School of Bucharest is an English-speaking school following the British curriculum. Our school is part of Lumina Educational Institution ( Our goal is to provide the students of the International School of Bucharest with the best possible programme of academic and personal development in a challenging and supportive environment.
Our students come from different parts of the world and they live now, some of them temporary, in Romania. We could use the cultural diversity of our school for this project. Having different nationalities, culture and believes, our students may see in many different ways what we are trying to promote in this project. And having different points of view is always useful and enhancing. 

A project about different countries’ traditions and culture would make them more aware about the importance of preserving the cultural values, customs and traditions which are about to disappear nowadays. They will also focus in presenting Romanian's traditions seen from their point of view, so not only from the Romanian students’ point of view. This can prove to be very useful in promoting Romania’s image inside and outside the country.
Our pupils are members of their local community and of our host country, Romania. We recognize our students come from a multitude of cultural, religious and ethnic backgrounds. We therefore seek to provide a secular education that reflects and draws from this diversity by embracing the ideals of international understanding and responsible citizenship. We believe relationships are fundamental to the development and fulfillment of ourselves and others, and for the good of both the local and wider international community.

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